Sunday, March 1, 2009
Week 9: Thing 23: Copyright, Creative Commons, and Congratulations!
The Creative Commons website is great! I also loved the Disney video which gives the explaination of a copyrighted work. It is one I will definitely use with my students.
I cannot believe that I have finally made through the 23 things! It has been a worthwhile journey, as I have learned so much!
I still cannot fully get used to reading abook online for pleasure. Even throughout my coursework, I had to print out all of my articles so that I could highlight, and make notes. I couldn't get used to scrolling down or moving my task bar sideways. I know that technology is gearing toward ebooks, but I feel that there is nothing like "cuddling with a good book" at night or any time!
I do love the idea that a book is available at a click of a button, as it is done through the World ebook Fair, which was amazing!!! I still do prefer going to visit my local library and checking out a good book!!!
Week 9: Thing 21: Podcasts
I chose this video because I thought it was so appropriate to what I am learning in this Web 2.0 course. It was such a hilarious video, but it did hit on the many points. I will have the chorus of this song stuck in my head for a while! I have used YouTube to use for one of the lessons I taught at the library which incorporated science...Steve Spangler has awesome video demonstrations of all of his science experiements. I have also been a member of TeacherTube for about a year and enjoy viewing its videos. Most of our students are familiar with You Tube(some more than me!)and recognized the site right away when I showed them the video of the Geyser experiment.
I must say that the books I chose were popular, with the Twilight Saga Series taking the most popularity votes...I was not at all suprised. I added the books that are my favorites, mainly children's books, as I am a huge fan of them! I love that under each title, other book recommendations are given, you are able to see other people's reviews and thoughts about the particular book, and that you are also able to contribute in posting a review of your own!
I was suprised that "The five people you meet in heaven" only got 3 1/2 stars. I read it this Christmas break and was in tears most of the book!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Again, wikis can be used for so many things...dialogue between students and teachers, projects, research, and so much more!
Week 7: THING 16: WIKIS
In the middle school library, the wiki would be very helpful, especially for discussion amongst the students and teacher/librarian. Many times, students have difficulty with a specific subject and can post their concerns on the wiki. Both teacher/librarian and students can dialog and share their ideas and understanding about specific subjects. As a librarian, I would love to have a wiki to involve students to discuss the various books they are reading. I loved looking through the "BookLoversWiki" as it had links to various genres. This is an excellent way to have students involved, especially since they are so technology savvy. This wiki is one that I would love to set up at the library I work at...I know that the students would be so very engaged!! What power there is in such technology!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Week 6: Thing 15: Read a few perspectivs on Web 2.0, Library 2.0, and furture of libraries
1. Just in case books- I was amazed at the percentage of book circulations this particular library had dropped in the last couple of years. The author made a great point in asking why we continue to purchase books that we know partons will not check out if they have a wealth of information in reliable online resources. In our middle school library I have noticed that students really do not check out books from most of the non-fiction section unless it comes from the 700's (graphic novels, comic books, art). I recently received a large shipment of books and have them out on a display cart; the fiction and graphic novels are the first to be checked out, but our new science and social studies books have, for the most part, been sitting there. Students show not much interest unless they are working on a project and even then, they would prefer to go to "Nettrekker" or Google for their information.
Week 6: Thing 14: Explore Technorati
The other programs we have been learning about week by week, such as Flickr, have been so amazing...the possibilities are endless! Tagging is great because it helps one stay organzied, helps as a tool for personal reference; important things are tagged, such as photos, websites, blogs, articles, etc.
Week 6: Thing 13: Learn about Tagging and
I also did enjoy looking through the tutorial and account. I think that I could create a account for my school library to use as a reference tool for students to use. Students would be able to easily access information and jump from topic to topic because of the toolbar on the side that provides related topics, top tags, etc. If a teacher is working on a specific topic, I could easily bookmark websites, online articles, etc. that would provide a wealth of information...or should I say, reputable/valid information. Too many times students are lost in their searching without any direction or guidance. This would provide a venue for students to begin their research effectively!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Week 5: Thing 12:Roll your own search tool with Rollyo
I think my middle school students would love the rollyo tool. Although I have our online resources posted to our school webpage as well as our library webpage, it would be different and more attractive for students to click to the rollyo and access the online resources this way. It is also a great way to teach students to categorize their favorite websites accordingly.
Week 5: Thing 11: Explore Web 2.0 Award List
I loved Lulu because you are able to create your own photobook, calendar, etc. My little sister published a photo book for my parents this Christmas and they absolutely loved it so much that they were in tears. It was a beautiful gift! I dont think that I would use the "sell" on this site but I did find it very useful. It would be awesome to be able to create a calendar for our school.
I loved biblio because it was easy to navigate through the website. There are many ways to search, there are many good suggestions, andI know that I would be able to come to this site to browse for books that I am considering to purchase for the school library.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Week 5: Thing 10: Play around with online image generators
Like with all the other "toys" I love online image generators because there is so much you can do! From magazines, to license plates, to catchy imaging to capture your own is amazing! I have already added the sites to my favorites and have added this image to my library page. I would love to have the opportunity to teach my students how to create their own image generators and have them use their creativity to come up with library promotions. This is a great idea to implement during National Library Week, Read Across America, etc. Contests would be ideal! I created this image generator on:
Week 4: Thing 9: Locate a few useful school library related blogs/newsfeeds
Week 4: Thing 8: Set up own Blogline newsreader account
At the school library, this would be very useful to add feeds that are beneficial for our students such as current news, even itunes, which are so popular now a days. It is just another venue to take our students through for growth during this age of technology!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
WEEK 3: Thing #7: Technology interests
I also love the use of computers as a form of communication. I remember as a teenager, sending mail to friends out of town, which I must admit, sometimes do miss, but now, it's so easy to log into either my email or group site (i.e. facebook) and not only find out how my family and friends are doing, but see their pictures at the click of a button! This is very useful now that I have a new nephew who lives too far away for me to go visit every weekend. If I miss him growing up, all my sister has to do is upload pictures and poof, there he is!
WEEK 3: Thing #6: Flickr mashups and 3rd party sites
I loved this activity! I had no clue that there were so many awesome sites that allow one to create their own posters, collages, trading cards, and so many more things!!! I am truly amazed!
I have just discovered such valuable tools to use with the students-to share with teachers so that they can implement technology in their lessons! If I was having fun creating my own trading card, I can just imagine how much more fun my middle school students will have!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Week 3: Thing #5. Explore Flickr
Originally uploaded by lauragonzalezlibrary
Trying to upload this picture up to my blog took a little longer than I had imagined. I did play around with the uploading of pictures in the blog site itself, but wanted to challenge myself a little bit...something I learned during Week 1!!!! I wanted to push myself to try something new and not give up on myself...we will see how it goes!