Saturday, January 31, 2009

Week 5: Thing 10: Play around with online image generators - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Like with all the other "toys" I love online image generators because there is so much you can do! From magazines, to license plates, to catchy imaging to capture your own is amazing! I have already added the sites to my favorites and have added this image to my library page. I would love to have the opportunity to teach my students how to create their own image generators and have them use their creativity to come up with library promotions. This is a great idea to implement during National Library Week, Read Across America, etc. Contests would be ideal! I created this image generator on:

Week 4: Thing 9: Locate a few useful school library related blogs/newsfeeds

I think that most of the search tools posted on the esc blog were very user-friendly. I liked that google had the feeds in categories and most of them had "top 100" feeds. The one I didn't find so user-friendly was " Its format was quite confusing and not as appealing as the others. I also do not think that I would have much use for BlogPulse Tools: Conversation Trackers. Although it looks interesting, I do not see myself spending much time using this tool.

Week 4: Thing 8: Set up own Blogline newsreader account

This activity was new to me. I learned a lot about RSS; subscribing to it personally is very useful because there are many subscriptions out there that would help my professional growth. There are many feeds about libraries and different issues. I truly loved one that has nothing to do with librarianism. It was one that had funny pictures and sayings about cats. Ever since I was a child I have had cats, so I thought it was adorable and a must to add to my list.

At the school library, this would be very useful to add feeds that are beneficial for our students such as current news, even itunes, which are so popular now a days. It is just another venue to take our students through for growth during this age of technology!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

WEEK 3: Thing #7: Technology interests

I love all kinds of technology because you can have so much fun with it! I love podcasting and will be working with students this week on uploading book talks through our library website. What I love is that I can add music to the background and create different moods, depending on the book description.

I also love the use of computers as a form of communication. I remember as a teenager, sending mail to friends out of town, which I must admit, sometimes do miss, but now, it's so easy to log into either my email or group site (i.e. facebook) and not only find out how my family and friends are doing, but see their pictures at the click of a button! This is very useful now that I have a new nephew who lives too far away for me to go visit every weekend. If I miss him growing up, all my sister has to do is upload pictures and poof, there he is!

WEEK 3: Thing #6: Flickr mashups and 3rd party sites

I loved this activity! I had no clue that there were so many awesome sites that allow one to create their own posters, collages, trading cards, and so many more things!!! I am truly amazed!

I have just discovered such valuable tools to use with the students-to share with teachers so that they can implement technology in their lessons! If I was having fun creating my own trading card, I can just imagine how much more fun my middle school students will have!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Week 3: Thing #5. Explore Flickr

Originally uploaded by lauragonzalezlibrary

Trying to upload this picture up to my blog took a little longer than I had imagined. I did play around with the uploading of pictures in the blog site itself, but wanted to challenge myself a little bit...something I learned during Week 1!!!! I wanted to push myself to try something new and not give up on myself...we will see how it goes!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Students, which is your favorite book and why? Tell us about it!


I truly thing that this program is going to help me enhance the services provided to my middle school students. I am so excited and ready to go!


I have had some experiencing in registering for a blog through a couple of my courses taken at UNT. It's great to be able to add your own personal touch to your blog! This step is complete!


I truly enjoyed reading the pointers about life long learning. I have always said that one should never stop learning, but always yearn to learn new things, not be afraid to go through different experiences, no matter how old or how young. I am really looking forward to the art of blogging!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Week 2: tHING 3: Create your own blog and avatar and then post about it.

Creating my avatar was very interesting and fun. It is something I think my middle school students would love to create! There are so many options to choose from! As far as my blog, for the library, I would love to start blogging about books that students are reading because it would be awesome to know what they think about them. I know that would be very successful and get other students to read those books!